POTAC & Zuckerberg San Francisco General Hospital present
Occupational Therapy’s Role in Meeting the Healthcare Needs of Persons with Experiences of Homelessness
Alexandra Zuck, OTD, OTR/L
Phillip Lee, OTR/L
Stephanie Moon, OTD, OTR/L
Deborah Pitts, PhD, OTR/L, BCMH, CPRP, FAOTA
Saturday, November 16, 2019
Registration 9:00 AM
Presentation 9:30 AM – 4:30 PM
Zuckerberg San Francisco General Hospital
1001 Potrero Avenue (between 22nd & 23rd Streets)
Building 5, 7th Floor, Rooms 7M30 A & B
San Francisco, CA 94110
Program Description
Citing the HUD Annual Report on Homelessness, the presenters will frame the nature of homelessness and its various health risks, with attention to the policies as described in the Los Angeles County Homeless Initiative. The presenters will define their practices by describing the role of OT within homeless healthcare in L.A., including their specific practice context (i.e., primary care, recuperative care and permanent supportive housing) and population, as well as approaches to interventions targeting the population’s occupational needs. They will present a case examples and/or engage participants in a hands-on case application activity.
Learning Objectives
At the end of this presentation, participants will be able to:
- Define elements of homeless healthcare and ‘housing for health’ in Skid Row, Los Angeles and greater Los Angeles as approaches to reducing homelessness.
- Differentiate homeless healthcare and ‘housing for health’ from other approaches to reducing homelessness and managing health.
- Explore and reflect on the role, takeaways, and challenges for occupational therapists in the three different practice contexts: primary care, permanent supportive housing, and recuperative care.
Alexandra Zuck, OTD, OTR/L completed her OTD residency at JWCH Institute’s Center for Community Health, a designated healthcare for the homeless clinic and health center located in Skid Row, Los Angeles.
Phillip D.H. Lee, OTR/L leads the OT program at the Skid Row Housing Trust, which provides permanent supportive housing for the formerly homeless. He is currently enrolled in USC’s Advanced Practice Clinical Doctorate (OTD) in their O.T. curriculum.
Stephanie Moon, OTD, OTR/L is the Director of Behavioral Health and Case Management at MLK Jr. Recuperative Care Center. She has experience working within the continuum of homelessness services in Skid Row, LA and Los Angeles.
Deborah Pitts, PhD,
OTR/L, BCMH, FAOTA currently serves as Associate Professor with the University of Southern California’s Chan Division of Occupational Science and Occupational Therapy. She also currently serves on the California Behavioral Health Planning Council and the California Department of Health Care Services Behavioral Health Stakeholder Advisory Committee.
Light breakfast included, but no-host lunch – Brown bag or eat in the hospital cafeteria
To reserve a space, email Annette Pinto at gro.hpdfsnull@otnip.ettenna or text Annette at (415) 516-6360 by Wednesday, November 13, 2019. Admission cannot be guaranteed without pre-registration.
Pay at the door: $75 for POTAC & OTAC members; $95 for non-members; students $15.
Checks or cash only, no credit cards. Certificates of Attendance will be provided to qualify for PDUs – 6 contact hours. A percentage of all proceeds goes to the Kim Aspelund Memorial Scholarship.
For directions, campus map, public transit, and parking information, click here.
Parking in the 23rd St. Parking Garage: enter from 24th Street
Event Flyer
Download event flyer as a PDF document: